Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hurkey Creek...

Last weekend was our Kaleo retreat, and we went to Hurkey Creek. It was one of the best weekends in the history of best weekends. It was a great time of fellowship, fun, and great teaching. The theme for this retreat was prayer. It was both challenging and comforting. I was so blessed in those three days, and thankful for great friends, and an even greater God.

Hellooo Hurkey Creek!

Whoa! Who are these happy campers?!


Cowboy Dave braving the roaring river...;)

This was the scariest part of the hike. I'm not such a fan of rickety, old bridges.

Hey Paul!! Niiiice glasses!

Keep, keep, keep it up! Keep that hiking spirit up!!!

The view from the top...TOTALLY worth the hike. Breathtaking!!

This is Phillip...we don't get along.

I LOVE this this child with my whole heart!! She is the cutest thing ever!!

Oh! A rare sight! A "Nuhair" in his natural habitat. Strange creatures these things. (Jk Nuhair! friends still?)

*Note of appreciation-Thank you SOO MUCH Richie Avila for giving me these pictures!! They are Ah-mazing!! (Especially the one of me and Isla...I love it! Well, her face, not mine. lol!) Thanks again, amigo!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood!!

I love spring! The weather has been so nice out lately, that being in the house is almost depressing. I love when the weather starts warming up, the birds begin to sing, and the flowers start blooming...nothing compares to this time of year! God has such perfect timing, because it always seems like just when I can't take another winter day, He brings me spring! He puts away the cloudy skies and gray, cold weather, and brings out the sun. He wakes up the birds and they sing Him praise. He causes the wildflowers, that color the roadside, to bloom, and fill the world with character. Only He can do these things, and why? Why does He give us spring?...I think it's because He loves us so! All the little details He puts in to this season go to show that we have a Great and Awesome Creator that loves to bless us with gifts of sunshine, warm breezes, birds singing, and flowers beginning to blooming, and all these gifts reflect His Glory. What a Beautiful God we serve!

~ Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world ~